To Don’t Lists
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12
To DO lists are important — they allow you to accomplish and not have to keep anything in your mind to clutter it up and so you don’t forget. What’s even more important than To Do lists? You got it — To Don’t lists. Why?
To Don’t lists help you get rid of things that are time and money wasters. By eliminating just one major item you can save some serious time. Like what? How about Death Scrolling — endlessly scrolling through social media (like your Home space on YouTube). Have you ever checked your screen time for your social media? You could probably pick up a couple hours per day from limiting your time on social media. Put an item on your TO DON’T LIST — No more than 15 minutes per day on social media (or however many minutes you think is acceptable. How about, Don’t Hijack Conversations (for you high Inspiring types). Don’t React in Anger. Don’t Be Rude or Harsh. Don’t Debt Spend, or Don’t Make a Purchase Without a Budget, Don’t Make Excuses, Don’t Smoke, Eat Too Much, Drink Too Much, Game Too Much, Be Late, Be Passive Aggressive, Blame Others, Be Mediocre or Average, Ignore Your Family, Sleep more than X Hours, or, Hit The Snooze Button… whatever you want to not do.
The idea is to look at the things that you don’t want to do and get them on this list and in front of your eyes so you can reflect daily and move away from these things that hold you back in some way.
Make a couple different lists — one for work, one for family/spouse/parents, one for friends — or maybe one for each of the Seven Spheres of Life (spiritual, family, physical, career, financial, intellectual, and social).These things can change as you hone and fine tune what limits and boundaries you want to put on yourself and others in order to be more productive toward your goal. This acts like a journal to help you see where you are and where you’re going. Bringing light to the issue is the first step in having success at stopping those things that waste your life
Pray: Lord, open my eyes to the things that are wasteful and foolish for me and help me list them out and annihilate them!
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