Here is the heart of our copyright © —
We want you to share our posts with others — it’s a win-win-win for all. Win for us, people learn about us. A win for you, you can help others grow. A win for those you are sending it too because it helps them grow!
We prefer you send them a link to the post. However, feel free to copy a post and send it on, we only request that you add the following reference —
“Quoted from blog post.” If you don’t mind, you can give the full link after the quote (i.e., “” for example on the blog post on compassion). but that is not necessary.
If you are sending a simple sentence or paragraph, you can reference the author of the post. Unless otherwise noted, all posts without an listed, are written by Royce White.
All other uses please ask permission. email
This is not our copyright in its entirety — it is a guideline for properly referencing our works.
Thank you for your help!