Level 3: Production Leadership
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3
In Level 2 you have been building relationships and earning permission to lead. You now have to lead them somewhere and accomplish something! Good relationships are not enough. This is going to stretch you — and the team. You now have to help them build relationships with each other as you take them to success in the vision of your department or organization. This will be risky and uncomfortable for the team — but if they don’t stretch, they won’t grow. This is where you separate those who really want to work with those who don’t. Time to start getting them out of their comfort zone. You need to be intentional about building each relationship and team member. Take some time to journal where each team member is and where you are in relationship to them. It’s going to be different with each person and that’s okay. Based on where you are in your relationship with them and their personality (March 1), you can help them be better at their job — and in life!
This is where encouragement and honesty is paramount — you need to be candid and kind to grow your team into producing well. As your team grows, everyone becomes more productive and you build… momentum! That is where you want to live! Lead by example — be the first and the best. If you have good organizational skills use them — if not, learn from someone who does — and by doing your homework. Start at home. Read. Watch. Learn. Ask questions. Learn from your team as well. Learn from anyone who is gifted in organizational skills. Get Wisdom!
Set tangible goals. Define what success looks like for the team. You need to help your team win. Once they win, they will know what to look for. By doing this you build influence. Accept responsibility. Admit failure. Continually communicate the vision. Don’t be afraid to make decisions! That’s what a leader does. Get everyone’s ideas into the pool of knowledge, then make a decision — make it a team decision when possible. Reward small victories every day. Show them how their particular talents and skills contribute to the team. It is your job to inspire, challenge, and stretch your team. That’s what brings growth. Reflect often! Fail forward!
Pray: Lord, this all seems daunting — give me the excitement to press on, the knowledge to grow, and the tenacity to stay on target!
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