Grow Yourself, Then Others

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Grow Yourself, Then Others

Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.
1 Timothy 4:15


We all have a lid on our leadership ability. We are all at different levels. I’ve been a leader for 40+ years and I’m still growing. Some of that, I was a bad leader. Plus, our personality helps and hinders us in our leadership ability and growth. Only two-percent of the population studies leadership.

Flea training. To train a flea, you put him in a jar with a lid on it. At first, the flea will jump high, hitting his head on the lid. After a little while, he will stop hitting the lid and jump just below the lid.  You can now safely take the lid off the jar and he will never jump out. For good or bad, he’s been trained.

We are like this. We have a lid on our leadership. Could be our past training, previous experience, or current understanding of leadership that put a lid on us. So how do we rewire ourselves to learn to jump out of the jar?

First, understand your weaknesses and acknowledge that you have a lid and need to grow. I’ve been studying, teaching, and writing about leadership deeply for 15 years and I still have a long way to go. It’s like sin — If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8). Likewise if we say we know how to lead but we’re not continually growing in leadership, we deceive ourselves. You may be in a high management or leadership position at your organization — you may be the CEO of your own company. No matter where you are, there is a lid on your leadership ability. You could be a Level 1, Positional Leader, which is the lowest level of leadership or you could be a Level 5, Pinnacle Leader (highest).Where are you? We’ll define the levels of leadership tomorrow so you can estimate where you are.

Second, plan growth. Be intentional (January 2) and commit to a level of growth. You’re not going to get there automatically, plan it out — 10 minutes per day? 20? 30? More? It’s like exercise — if you don’t put in the time, you won’t get the results. I have a list of great books you can read/listen to, podcasts, vlogs, etc. And if you really want to grow, you can ask me to mentor or coach you. Decide now how much you are going to invest. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. (Proverbs 16:3)

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