Enjoy Your Work
“So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot. Who can bring him to see what will be after him?” Ecclesiastes 3:22 (Bold emphasis mine)
What?? Enjoy my work? Yes — enjoy. Nothing better?? Why? It’s arduous, difficult, sometimes painful, typically under poor or bad leadership (usually not good or great leadership because most don’t study leadership to learn to lead well).
But you are called to a different work ethic, which includes rejoicing (glad, joy, joyful, enjoying) in your work! If you want to do something different for work, determine what that is and go after it. But don’t waste your time in hating what you do! It’s not good for your heart (stress). You should be thankful for having a job to feed yourself and family! (1 Timothy 6:8). Plus, you’re not good company to be around complaining all the time.
Not only should you be rejoicing and enjoying, but you should be trying to do your absolute best for your employer (Colossians 3:23) as well as encouraging your coworkers to do the same. Granted, if you’re in an illegal, immoral, or unethical situation, you need to fix it or leave. Most people are not in that type of situation though. But you can still rejoice that you have this job while you are there while being the best at it.
Depending on your personality, what you do for a living will be different. More on personality in a later chapter. Your work doesn’t need to be a passion of yours (though that would be nice) but it should fit your personality and ability. Need more ability? Read. Educate. Learn. Study. If you don’t have the ability to do something, chances are you are within one to three years of getting there. That may seem like a long time, but it is really a short period — trust me. Just think of doing what you really enjoy or really want to do (career) for the rest of your life starting in just a few years. Better yet, just think of not doing the study and not getting there! Ugh! In the meantime, protect your attitude and your heart, and the lives of those around you by enjoying your work while you study to find the work you enjoy!
Pray: Lord, give me a good attitude about my work and help me enjoy it as I grow in an area that is better for who I am.
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