Level 1: Positional Leaders

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Level 1: Positional Leaders

With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.
Psalm 78:72


I outlined the Five Levels of Leadership on February 2 — now w’re going to dance through Level 1, Positional Leader. You may have received a promotion because someone saw something good in you — you’re good at your job, you take initiative when needed, you finish your work and help others who need it — they see some potential in you that smells like leadership. Sometimes it’s just that you’re really good at doing your job. If you’re a leader, be careful with promoting someone solely because they do their job well. Too often we put people in a leadership position who do not want to be a leader just because we equate ability in doing with future ability in leading. They indeed may want to be a leader and they may indeed have leadership potential, but some people just enjoy being a doer and doing their current job really well, forever — they don’t welcome change.

So now you have been given a leadership position (or you are giving someone a leadership position). What does that look like?

You’re given more authority and responsibility. You need to grow as a leader, personal growth. It’s time for you to define your leadership style. Be a team builder. Ask questions instead of telling. Understand who you are — what are your values. What needs to change about who you are. Level 1 is about you learning to grow in leadership and learning from your team.

Being a Level 1 leader is fine — but don’t stay there long! If you do you devalue people, don’t understand their hopes, dreams, desires, and goals, become political, become controlling, want rights over responsibilities, act entitled. Higher turnover (people don’t leave organizations — they leave leaders). Your team learns to give their least — a just get by attitude.

How do you not stay at Level 1? Stop relying on your position to push people. Instead, influence actions, promote teamwork, show initiative, go to your people, include your people in decisions, ask for input, create an atmosphere of cooperation, be there to help, add value to people, encourage people daily. Let go of control and foster cooperation. Encourage, don’t boss. Give up entitlement for team action. Grow your people!

Pray: Lord… HELP! Help me grow in righteousness and wisdom.

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