Who’s Killing Your Church Book

The Book.





Dominant personalities are powerful and strong and when they are under control, a great asset in the hands of God… yet one of the greatest weaknesses of a high Dominant personality leader (or church member) is they have low or no self-awareness—so they don’t know that they don’t know! If you’re a Dominant personality (55% of pastors are!), most people don’t speak up and tell you your weaknesses—even when those around you can see them clearly. Your spouse, your best friends, and other elders can withhold needed input because of your position. This can lead to significant problems for your church. Are you a Dominant? If you’re a pastor, elder, staff, or congregation member, do you know how to help High Dominants? Want to start the process of becoming a better leader? Keep reading…



Dominants are usually the ones that start churches, businesses, and other organizations, so they are over-represented as leaders in churches. When in-control of themselves, Dominants are courageous, quick to respond, goal oriented, results oriented, deliberate, self-confident, direct, self-reliant, straightforward, competitive, protectors of the flock, etc. The church needs them to lead the way!

But out-of-control, Dominants can tend toward being domineering, insensitive, demanding, impulsive, even cruel, rash with decisions, manipulative, non-apologetic, controversial, arrogant, hot-tempered, sarcastic, self-confident, unemotional, cold, harsh, prideful, know-it-all, impatient, self-sufficient, contentious, risk-taker, coercive, etc. And you don’t need to be extreme at all of these traits—any one of them alone can disqualify you as an elder. Can you risk not knowing and not dealing with a problem that could be hurting your congregation, family, or staff? Now knowing that a lack or self-awareness is one of your potential greatest weaknesses, can you create a methodology to test, measure, and correct? 

What if it’s a ministry partner? How do you help them?

How do you find out how strong your dominance is, if it’s in-control, and how to lead your team correctly? How do you deal with it if you are domineering and don’t realize it? Or worse, you know it but you’re not willing to change? You keep insisting “that’s just the way I am?” How do you protect your elders, staff, and congregation from this significant blind spot? 

Specific chapters for pastors, staff, elders, and the congregation for helping a Dominant leader identity this problem and use biblical methodologies, correct leadership procedures, and a greater understanding of personality to conquer it!


About the Author
Royce is a human behavior specialist and as Founder and CEO of The Caris Group, works with leadership in churches, businesses, and NGOs to help them intentionally grow by learning and applying correct leadership principles and by understanding personality. Royce is also an international speaker, executive coach and trainer with the John Maxwell Team (in 2014, John was voted most influential leadership expert in the world by Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, and the American Management Association).  He has also been a worship leader for over 30 years and has been involved in leadership and lay leadership at several churches during his 40 years of church experience. Bio…


Chapter Titles

1. Introduction: Why?

2. Personality—Who Are We?

3. Pastors—Know Your Own Personality and Make a Paradigm Shift

4. Elders—How to Work with Your Pastor and Lead Him Successfully

5. Staff—How to Lead Your Leaders!

6. Congregation—How to Work with Your Dominant Pastor to Help Him Love

7. Conclusion & Call to Action

Appendix One: Resources

Appendix Two: Suggested Reading

Appendix Three: Reference Endnotes


216 pages. © July 2019. Available in paperback for pre-order now (after August 21, 2019 will be available in hardbound, Audible, Kindle, and iBook).

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