The Law of Diminishing Intent

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The Law of Diminishing Intent

The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing. Proverbs 20:4


The Law of Diminishing Intent says, “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.” There are some people with personalities that are diligent — if something needs to be done, do it. Now. One of their weaknesses can be to set priorities incorrectly and treat everything as urgent and thereby nothing becomes important and the unimportant has the same urgency as the important! But diligence is not a problem for them. They accomplish enormous amounts of work (Conscientious personality — Reserved and Task oriented) and generally do it very well. They just need to learn how to prioritize.

For the rest of us — especially the Inspiring personalities (Outgoing and People oriented) — procrastination can be an issue. Waiting or forgetting. Or waiting and therefore forgetting.

Everything has its place, purpose, and position. There are things that are meant to be done now and there are things meant not to be done at all — and things in-between. A great system for determining what to do when — everything gets a priority — A, B, C, or D.

A is for those things that are important and urgent. Time sensitive things that will have an impact on others.

B is for things that are important but not urgent. Important things need to be done over urgent that are not important because their importance is low. In other words, important rules over urgent.

C is for things that are urgent but not important.

D is for things that are neither urgent nor important. You can drop all these D things now! They are time wasters.

There are several apps that you can use to become organized (ToDoist, Trello, Google Calendar, etc.). The key here is to be action oriented and consistent about doing these things after planning them (be intentional!).

Pray: Lord, give me the wisdom to do everything in a timely manner. Help me be diligent about setting up a task/schedule and be action oriented about accomplishing those things for your glory and my good!


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