Summarize Intentionality

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Summarize Intentionality

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. James 4:17


To be intentional, you must know where you are (reflection and awareness) and where you are going (purpose, value, gifting). Otherwise you can be intentional — but unintentionally going in the wrong direction (it’s like being sincere — you can be sincerely wrong!). We are not automatically intentional — we have to work at it. Don’t assume you will naturally grow — it takes hard work. Don’t wing it, learn how and grow! The time to start is always now, now, now. Don’t be afraid to take a risk to be intentional. We already err daily — learning to be intentional can help us make fewer mistakes. Perfection doesn’t come tomorrow, but pursuing the God of perfection points us in the right direction! You don’t have to be good to start, but you do have to start to be good! Don’t feel like being intentional? Get some positive accountability from others to help you begin. It’s going to take a while to build this habit for certain personalities — don’t despair! Iron sharpens iron — that’s why God has us in community! (Proverbs 27:17).

In James 1:22 God calls us to be doers of the word and not just hearers only! It’s the same for the rest of life… don’t just think about it, do it! Start today, don’t procrastinate. Take responsibility for yourself. Work hard. Build good habits. Follow through! Be persistent! Take risks. Grow your character.

Go sit in your favorite quite place and write down the top three things (or at least the top one thing) you need to grow in for all Seven Spheres of Life (spiritual, family, physical, career, financial, intellectual, and social) and what you think the first step is to get started under each item. To love God and others (success in each of the sphere areas),  you need to be intentional. You’re not going to get there by accident. Remember, good is the enemy of great — don’t settle for mediocrity. Work these areas daily. Get accountability. A little growth every day is paramount. Persistence is the key to intentionality. Rate/measure yourself in these areas today and then every three months to ensure you are growing!

Pray: Lord help me practice these concepts and grow me in responsibility and intentionality.


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