Leaders Develop Daily, Not In a Day

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Leaders Develop Daily, Not In a Day

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2


Setting goals doesn’t guarantee you will grow—though it’s important. But if you set your sights on growing, you will always reach your goals. You don’t have to spend 10 hours per day reading (unless your career choice dictates that you do), but reading an hour per day will yield a book a week and 52 books per year. That’s a lot of knowledge in any area. How to get there? It’s like eating a whale — it seems daunting to eat a whole whale. The key is to just concentrate on one bite at a time — little by little. Growth is the same way. Imagine you are reading that one hour per day, one book per week. That’s 500 books in 10 years. I spent many years reading three hours per day. That’s a lot of information floating in my head — and a lot for me to pull from to grow and help others grow.

Leadership is the same way. You grow a little bit each day. So if you start studying leadership today, you can learn to be a good leader by putting into practice different leadership principles you learn every day… or every week. Just think where you would be if you were practicing daily the principles mentioned in the first 14 leadership principles you have read before today. You would be well on your way to getting a great foundation of leadership and then building upon it daily. That’s why these are daily — we don’t grow in a day, but we do grow daily.

You also need time to practice these principles so you can see how to best use them. As well, there are levels of leadership from being given a position, Level 1: Positional Leadership, to Level 5: Pinnacle Leadership, which is growing others so they can grow others so they can grow… you get the picture. Plus three other levels in-between.

There’s a bit to learn and even more to practice. Don’t be discouraged but be persistent and consistent. It’s not hard, just takes time. Your family will notice and then everyone else. Stay on target!

Pray: Lord, help me today learn and practice good leadership/life principles. Make me into a person who leads myself and others well!

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