Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Throughout the scriptures God is showing kindness toward his people and in general to everyone. As well, we are continually called to show kindness to one another. In one — of many — online searches on kindness in the bible, I had 100 listings of related scriptures, which included many synonyms for kind and kindness, and many similar concepts pointing toward kindness to one another. It seems like a theme in scripture, especially the new testament. Albeit, God is pretty good to his people in the OT constantly forgiving them and keeping His covenant and promises even in the midst of His chosen ones continually breaking the covenant and their promise to do all God asked.
Look at this list of definitions for kindness… brotherly, good, good-hearted, helpful, hospitable, kindhearted, kindly, neighborly, nice, caring, compassionate, sympathetic, tender, tenderhearted, chivalrous, courteous, courtly, gallant, gracious, polite, diplomatic, tactful, deferential, dutiful, obliging, regardful, respectful, altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, benignant, humane, selfless, unselfish, charitable, generous. Is that who we are toward one another? Is that who we should be?
You know I love the scripture that says …do good to those who hate you… and I really love the KJV/NKJV of Matthew 5:44 that says, pray for those who despitefully (or spitefully) use you. This is actually the second half of the Love your enemies verse (Luke 6:27). It’s sooo hard to do! I fail at it way too much. I love the version that says despitefully because most people don’t do things to me out of spite so I need to really be kind because most are not trying to hurt me. Or you.
So how should we then act toward those whom we love? (!) Our spouse, kids, parents, friends, coworkers? This speaks for itself. With great love and care. Live the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Until we do it naturally, we need to ask ourselves moment-by-moment when we interact with people, how can I be kinder to this person.
Pray: Lord help me show kindness to everyone always — especially those who hate me and spitefully use me. Help me to bless and not curse. Help me pray for those who mistreat me.
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