Encourage Daily

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Encourage Daily

“But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:13


“Hey, I don’t know you very well, but Peter said that you were one of the most faithful people he knows…” So did that encourage you to be faithful or discourage to you to be unfaithful? If you’re like most people, you are encouraged to live up to how others see you — even if it’s not who you are. We do this because of peer pressure or simply from not wanting to disappoint people. Or because we are indeed faithful. It can be both good and bad. So we need to plan it for good!

The NT Greek word for exhort is παρακαλέω (parakaléo) and has both the attitude of exhortation and encouragement — different versions of the English bible use mostly those two words in Hebrews 3:13, and I think it wise to use them interchangeably. The definition of the word is to speak to one another in order to entreat, exhort, comfort, instruct, admonish, beseech, console, strengthen… to do any/all of these things will ultimately encourage the other person — encouragement appears to be the desired outcome through one or more of those methods.

Moreover, the idea is to do this daily so as not to give sin an opportunity to set roots. Or to not let discouragement set in. So many people are discouraged by some situation and as a leader this is a great opportunity to influence them for good (leadership is influence). A simple encouragement can change someone’s attitude from sad/bad to cheerful/good and strengthen their heart. Also, be authentic about it. Be honest. Tell them something that is true and positive about them or their future to encourage them to do the right thing. In fact, plan for it! When you plan your day in the morning (or last night), plan on specifically encouraging those you know you will come in contact with! Think about the things they need to hear and prepare to say it when you see them. Does this take time and effort? You bet. Is it worth it? Always. Don’t forget your spouse and kids, too! They really, really need encouragement!

Pray: Lord, give me insight to learn and know what encouragement others need and help me encourage daily those you have put around me.


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