Here are some comments and thoughts about the book and/or the topic. If you want to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom to add your comment. Thank you!
We need to gift this to our shepherds…
“I have read this book and it is so needed by the church… for we are called to love one another, and accountability is one of the ways we get to love one another in Christ. We are one body, Christ in us and through us ALL. What a gift we have in our leadership, what a blessing it is to use our gifts for the edification of the church… we are the church and we need to be intentional in its edification, for we are the light of the world. May we shine brighter together. Every disciple needs to read this book! In love, we need to gift this to our shepherds, so the world will know we are HIS by our love one for another.” ~Dona Loope
I doubt all pastors and churches because of this problem….
(The following is a private message from when the book was announced)
“Looks like a much needed book if they will read it – I pretty much doubt all pastors and churches because I went to a church with this type of pastor for a long time – I know a bunch of good people who no longer go [to church] because of the same thing…” ~Anonymous
This book is a must read…
“I’ve worked with Royce in Guatemala with John Maxwell. The man is a teacher at heart who has something important to say. This book is a must read if you’re serious about powerful change in the church.” ~Brian James, Ministry Leader
If you’re leading anyone in ministry this is a must read!
“Royce is wise beyond words when it comes to leadership and personality styles. If you’re leading anyone in ministry this is a must read!” ~Jackie Care, Ministry Worker
…this book is a great coach…
“Whether you’re a pastor or just getting involved with church ministry, this book is a great coach toward the Christ-like attitude we need to have towards those we lead and love.” ~Gabe, Worship Leader