

As I mentioned in the book, this is a specially priced DISC assessment so you can find out what your official personality blend is. Taking this assessment before you read the book is very helpful. The basic Report is 11 pages and gives a short, concise overview of your personality, some weaknesses, and thoughts for how to work with others. If you would like to have the 50+ page detailed assessment report instead ($59), and get some incredible input to who you are and how to interact with all other personalities, read the Instructions below (ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS) and then click here or click at the very bottom of this page (Extended Adult Assessment).

To get started with your basic assessment, read the following instructions and then click on the Take Assessment button. You will be taken to the payment page, then emailed your link and Access Code. Enjoy!


1. THIS IS AN ASSESSMENT—IT IS NOT A TEST! You can pass or fail a test—but you cannot fail an assessment.  No personality type is ‘better’ than any other type. The world needs ALL types to function properly! So be comfortable—do not worry.

2. Take your time: The DISC assessment can take anywhere from 10-20 minutes (depending on your personality type!). Trying to rush through an assessment will hinder its accuracy. Do it later if you don’t have 10-20 minutes right now. But don’t forget about it!

3. Do it in one sitting, without any interruptions: The question types can easily get mixed up if you take breaks or have distractions. Move methodically from one to the next until it is done.

4. Don’t over-analyze, go with your gut instinct: Some of the questions don’t seem sensible, it is by design.  The best way to answer these is with your gut—what you honestly feel.

5. Some answers will be real close: Sometimes you feel like you are several ways within each question! That’s okay. But still choose the one you feel the strongest about in both the Most Like and Least Like categories.


Take Basic Assessment ($20)


Take Extended Adult Assessment ($59)